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Briefing October 2020

Noise protection

Noise-inducted hearing loss

Noise is sound (noise) that can damage the hearing or lead to special accident hazards.
Noise-induced hearing loss is the most common occupational disease. It develops over an extended period of time and, therefore, it is almost unnoticed by the person concerned. Even with a hearing aid, noise-induced hearing loss cannot be restored again.

Hazard from noise

The hazard from noise depends on the volume. To assess the volume, measure the sound level in dB(A). To assess the most fluctuating noise level in the workplace, the average sound level of a work period of eight hours, called the daily noise exposure level, is used. Starting at a daily noise exposure level of 85 dB (A) with long-term exposure to noise, there is an increased risk of hearing loss.

What has to done?

  • At more than 80 dB (A), ear protection is to be provided to the employees, occupational medical examinations are to be offered.
  • From 85 dB (A), the wearing of hearing protection is mandatory.
  • If more than 85 dB(A), then the working area must be marked as a noisy area; required M03 marking, "Wear hearing protection"; occupational medical examinations are to be scheduled regularly.


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